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Sandy Hill Nature Park & Terrace

Sandy Hill Nature Park & Terrace

Venue Name: Sandy Hill Nature Park & Terrace
Location: Freeport - Central Trinidad
Capacity: Standing 500; Seated 300
Wheelchair Accessible: YES
On-Site Security: Yes
Wifi Available: Yes
Audio/Video Capabilities Available: No
Furnishings Available: Yes
Parking Available: Yes
Contact Number: 1-868-680-4757
  • Disclaimer: The Property Vault is not reasonable for any bookings made to secure this venue. Please contact Sandy Hill Nature Park & Terrace for reservations at 1-868-680-4757/ 1-868-682-2759/ 1-868-673-5372 or email

    Visit their official website at

    NB. All Prices are quoted in Trinidad & Tobago's currency (TTD)
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